Intra Company Transfers

Intra-Company Transfer (“ICT”) is governed by article 27 (a), D.L. n. 286/98, as amended, and allows employers to transfer an employee to work for the company’s subsidiary, branch or representative office in Italy. This is mainly used by international businesses when bringing in more specialist workers from overseas.

This is mainly used by international businesses when bringing in more specialist workers from overseas.

Who can qualify for ICT?

ICT permits can be granted to following categories of employees, provided that they have been employed with the mother company for at least three months before the application:

  • Executives and managers;
  • Highly-skilled employees who are in possession of the necessary skills to execute specific projects for the Italian host company;
  • Trainees in possession of a university degree who are assigned to the Italian host with the purpose of acquiring specific technical knowledge and skills, or to progress in career;


The procedure for obtaining an ICT permit is as follows:

  • The application is filed electronically by the Italian host company through the Online Portal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • The Italian company shall provide file the necessary supporting documents within ten days from filing the application.
  • Upon verification of the requirements, the Immigration Office (Sportello Unico per l’Immigrazione) will issue the work permit within 45 days;
  • After the issuance of the work permit, the employee shall apply for the entry VISA with the Italian diplomatic mission in country of residence;
  • Within 8 days from the arrival in Italy, the employee shall register with the Immigration Office and apply for the residence permit;
  • Residence permits will be issued within 45 days.

The ICT permit has a maximum validity period of three years for executives, managers and highly-skilled workers; instead, the maximum validity period for trainees is 1 year.

The ICT permit can be renewed after a cooling off period of three months.

Contact us for more information about intra-company transfers services in Italy.

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