How to establish an Italian representative office of a foreign company

Please find below the procedure to establish an Italian representative office of a foreign company.

You shall provide us with:

  • a detailed description of the activity of the company in its home jurisdiction;
  • a certificate of incorporation including a list of the shareholders and directors of the Company duly apostilled or legalized at the Italian Embassy / Consulate; the certificate shall be also in Italian or English or translated in Italian or English;
  • a company’s resolution to establish a representative office in Italy and to appoint a representative person; this shall also be apostilled or legalized at the Italian Embassy / Consulate and translated in Italian or English;
  • an Italian address for the representative office;
  • acopy of passport of the representative person of the Italian representative office.


A representative office can open a bank account in Italy. Our fees to establish a representative office and open a bank account would be Euros 3,500 including out of pocket expenses. Timing will 7/8 working days from receipt of the above documents.

In addition, please understand that if the documents are provided in English, we should get them translated into Italian for an additional cost of Euro 50.00 for each page.

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