آگوست 22nd 2024
Rewarding scheme for “highly-qualified” workers that want to relocate to Italy.
Rewarding scheme for “highly-qualified” workers that want to relocate to Italy. The Italian government has recently implemented incentives for “highly-qualified” workers that want to relocate to Italy. The rewarding system consists in a lowering of the personal income tax base to the extent of 50% and it applies from the tax year in which the [..Read more..]
اکتبر 3rd 2020
New developments for the Italian Investor Visa Program
New developments for the Italian Investor Visa Program The Italian Investor Visa Program (Golden Visa), regulated by Article 26-bis of the Italian Consolidated Law on Immigration (Legislative Decree No. 286/98) has introduced a 30 days fast-track procedure to obtain an Italian residence permit for foreigners who intend to make one of the following eligible investments [..Read more..]
اکتبر 3rd 2020
New developments for the Italian Investor Visa Program
New developments for the Italian Investor Visa Program The Italian Investor Visa Program (Golden Visa), regulated by Article 26-bis of the Italian Consolidated Law on Immigration (Legislative Decree No. 286/98) has introduced a 30 days fast-track procedure to obtain an Italian residence permit for foreigners who intend to make one of the following eligible investments [..Read more..]
آوریل 18th 2020
Italy implemented a comprehensive reform of the Third Sector and other not-for-profit organizations.
Italy implemented a comprehensive reform of the Third Sector and other not-for-profit organizations. Introduction. Pursuant to Italian law, a Third Sector Organization or Ente del Terzo Settore (“ETS”) is a not-for-profit private organization or entity that pursues civic, solidarity and social benefits purposes carrying out, exclusively or principally, activities of general interest in an accountable and transparent [..Read more..]
آوریل 17th 2020
The Italian Liquidity Decree: Covid-19 Government measures to support Italian enterprises.
The Italian Liquidity Decree: Covid-19 Government measures to support Italian enterprises. Last 8 April 2020 the Italian government implemented new important measures to support and provide liquidity to Italian enterprises. Read our comprehensive guide.
مارس 18th 2020
Covid-19 emergency measures: New rules for remote shareholders’ meetings and extension of the term to approve the yearly financial statements
Covid-19 emergency measures: New rules for remote shareholders’ meetings and extension of the term to approve the yearly financial statements The emergency measures against COVID-19 also apply to the corporate framework. First, under the Italian law the shareholders’ meeting for the approval of annual financial statements must be convened within 120 days from the last [..Read more..]
مارس 18th 2020
COVID-19 Emergency: the Italian labour law framework
Read our guide on the COVID-19 Emergency Italian labour law framework.
سپتامبر 22nd 2019
Taxation of Italian companies
Taxation of Italian Companies. The taxation of the income of an Italian company is based on its aggregate income earned both in Italy and abroad. This articles provides an introduction to corporate tax in Italy, outlining the types (IRES and IRAP) and rates of income tax and explaining how such tax is calculated. Corporate Tax [..Read more..]
آگوست 8th 2018
Acquisitions and Joint Ventures
Acquisitions and joint ventures. Italian Decree Law No 58/98 and the regulations made under this law provide, amongst other things, the legal framework for public offers for the acquisition of shares, whether these are listed on the stock exchange or not. This document discusses matters relating to acquisitions of company shares in Italy, covering: public [..Read more..]
می 12th 2018
Focus on National and Regional Incentives for Companies and Individuals in Italy
Read our Guide on National and Regional Incentives for Companies and Individuals in Italy.
فوریه 27th 2018
New tax incentives to attract foreign investments
New tax incentives to attract foreign investments Italy has recently taken important new steps to position itself as a welcoming home for foreign investments. Compared to the past, it is becoming increasingly attractive to open companies in Italy for non-EU and EU residents, also from a tax point of view. Please find below general information [..Read more..]
نوامبر 1st 2017
Initial Coin Offering (ICO) and public offer of financial products
Initial Coin Offering (ICO) and public offer of financial products Blockchain technology (or distributed ledger technology) could assume great significance for financial markets, understood in the broad sense. Among the many economic transactions that can be done through blockchain technology, the so-called initial coin offerings (ICOs) are spreading. ICOs represent a digital form of raising [..Read more..]